Page 2 - Synatek - Way Too Early Order Program
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Summer is supposed to be a time of vacations, picnics and being able to enjoy outdoor
          activities.  The last thing anyone wants is to be reminded is of the fact that winter will once
          again be coming.  While we at SynaTek share with everyone a desire to take a much needed
          vacation over the summer months, we also understand that it is our responsibility to
          provide our valued customers with the tools they need to be successful regardless of the
          time of year.

          The Benefits of the Way Too Early Order Program are as Follows:

          Product Priority

          Customers who order first will be the first to receive ice melt product.

          Preferred Pricing
          Customers who purchase by Labor Day will be able to take advantage of the lowest prices
          of the season.

          Extended Payment Terms
          Customers that purchase by Labor Day will be able to benefit from extended payment terms
          until January 12, 2018.

          Inventory Storage
          Our experience has been that most companies understand the benefit of ordering ice melt
          inventory early, but the question always becomes, “Where am I going to store it?” We invite
          you to hold that thought and continue reading.
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