Page 4 - Synatek - Calcium Enhancement Technology
P. 4


          PhysioCal® contains a naturally soft and porous marine calcium source called Calcimer. This unique
          porosity and surface area allows PhysioCal® to be 5 times more soluble and 4 times more available than
          other liming materials, saving time and money. Further, PhysioCal® is different from traditional lime based
          soil conditioners in that it contains the biostimulant Humistim. Together, the Calcimer and Humistim work
          to stimulate soil microbes to breakdown organic material into plant available nutrients, with an enhanced
          micro pH, and more complete nutrition with additional N, Ca, S, and Mg.

                                PhysioCal®           PhysioCal Zero®        Gypsum®             Verde-Cal G®

           Analysis             4-0-0                0-0-0                  0-0-0               0-0-0

           Calcium %            23%                  23%                    20%                 22.5%

           SGN                  250 SGN, 125 SGN     70 SGN                 250 SGN, 100 SGN    85 SGN & 185 SGN

           Sieve Analysis       100% Passing          100% Passing 400 Mesh   55% Passing 200 Mesh   75% Passing 40 Mesh
           Before Granulation   400 Mesh                                    80% Passing 50 Mesh   90% Passing 10 Mesh
                                                                            100% Passing 8 Mesh   100% Passing 4 Mesh

           Active Ingredient    Calcified Seaweed     Calcified Seaweed       Calcium             Calcium

           Micro Nutrients      Mg, S, B, Cu, Zn, Cl, Fe Na  Mg, S, B, Cu, Zn, Cl, Fe Na  S     S

           Bio-Stimulants       Cytokinin, Gibberllins,  Cytokinin, Gibberllins,  Not on the label  Trihydroxycarboxylic Acid
                                Auxin, Humistart     Auxin, Humistart


         Maintenance Rate: Apply 50 - 100 Lb/Acre

         • 50 LB bag
         • 500 LB Speed Bag
         • 1,000 LB Super Sack

         *PhysioCal is a naturally derived product and has calcium variations between 20-23%
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